Jabs, blocks and Joe the Plumber: The last presidential debate of 2008 Listen Download Embed Share Share this on Facebook (Opens in a new window) Share this on Twitter (Opens in a new window) Share this via Email Jabs, blocks and Joe the Plumber: The last presidential debate of 2008 World markets dip on renewed fears of global recession Evangelicals, black and white, are divided by faith, race and politics BBC World Service study: Global food prices may be dropping from record highs Early voters make their case: A vote for Obama in Georgia A linguist's take on the final presidential debate between McCain and Obama Polling undecided voters in N.C. and Ind. after the final presidential debate What Ohio's voter-matching verdict means for the election Early voters make their case: A vote for McCain in Chicago New technologies for making better election decisions Fearing less demand, oil prices have slid below $70 a barrel When troop protests meet technology World markets tumbling, again Produced by PRI and WNYC