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What Would it Take for the U.S. Military to Use Force Again? | Tech Giants Come Together for Internet Security | Highway Fund Is Running On Empty | How Do You Pick a Winner? The Boom ... (episode)
The U.S. spends more on its military than any other country in the world, yet President Obama seems reluctant to interfere in conflict zones around the world–from Ukraine and Syria to...
<p>No two book clubs are alike. What makes yours one-of-a-kind? As part of a new reading series, The Takeaway is showcasing unique book clubs from around the country.</p>
<p>In a 5-4 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that public meetings can include an opening prayer, saying that the practice does not constitute a religious preference.</p>
<p>In 1998, the Colts picked Payton Manning and Ryan Leaf went to the Chargers. The draft produced one of the greatest busts in history. What have we learned about the science of evaluating human talent?</p>
<p>Odessa was besieged with violence over the weekend as demonstrators clashed in the streets. About 46 people have died in the bloodshed—most as a result of a fire that broke out in a building downtown.</p>
This November marks 25 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall. For the millions of people living in the German Democratic Republic, that day marked the end of their country—literally...
Also on Today's Show: After Heartbleed, the tech industry is coming together to fund a group to maintain OpenSSL...The U.S. Highway Trust Fund needs about $302 billion in order to giv...