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Tensions Rise as Russia Tightens Grip on Crimea | Affordable Healthcare? It Depends Where You Live | Fracking Takes Toll on Texas Air | Examining Our Decaying Infrastructure | Literat... (episode)
On Monday, an ultimatum was issued from Russia's Black Sea Fleet and delivered to Ukrainian forces in Crimea—the message from Russian naval forces was to surrender by 5:00 AM local ti...
<p>You'd expect people in wealthier communities to pay higher premiums, and more moderate or low-income communities to pay lower premiums, but it doesn't always work out that way. Here's why.</p>
Fracking has boomed in Texas, a state with a deep history of oil and energy exploration. While many have profited from the energy boom, hundreds more are finding that the air smells f...
The tensions surrounding Ukraine's relationship with Russia have deep historic origins. Ukraine is a place with a culture and society entirely distinct from that of Russia, and yet on...
Also on Today's Show: The murder trial of South African athlete Oscar Pistorius gets underway Today. The trial is the stuff of global courtroom theater, with the credibility of a crim...