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1. America: Israel's Best Friend? | 2. Deadly Ebola Virus Reaches U.S. Physicians | 3. You've Been Warned: The Price of Chocolate is Rising | 4. Congress Reaches Deal on Veterans Bill... (episode)
<p><span>The way most Americans understand our relationship with Israel has changed a great deal since the country's founding in 1948.</span></p>
Healthcare workers in some parts of Africa are now taking on two battles—the fight to control the growing threat of the Ebola virus, which has killed more than 670 people in four coun...
Earlier this year, we reported that shortages of limes, avocados, and pork have sent prices of margaritas, guacamole, and bacon sky high. And now the unthinkable: Mars and Hershey hav...
It's the last week before Congress heads home for August recess, and we may actually see a break from the usual congressional gridlock when it comes to veterans affairs. House and Sen...
Gil Fulbright may have is very own campaign bus, but Gil won’t be featured on the ballot come November, because he’s not even a real person. He’s a satirical character, a product of t...
At this school, there are no tests, or textbooks—and the students are the teachers. Instead of textbook homework assignments, the usual line-up of pop quizzes, and final exams, each s...