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As Sen. Ted Cruz Enters Hour 16, The GOP's In-Fighting Worries Some Republicans | U.N. General Assembly Suggests Future Diplomacy with Iran | Afghan Foreign Minister On the Nation's F... (episode)
Seantor Ted Cruz’s faux filibuster against funding Obamacare lasted through this morning—his marathon entered its 15th hour at 4:41 a.m. ET and there was still no end in sight. Ron Ch...
Last night The Takeaway talked with Foreign Minister of Afghanistan, Dr. Zalmai Rassoul, who many believe has a chance to succeed Hamid Karzai as the president next year. It was a cha...
Three decades of icy relations between the U.S. and Iran may finally be starting to thaw. In his address yesterday on the first day of the U.N. General Assembly, President Barack Obam...
The winners of the MacArthur Genius Grants were announced today—winners are awarded $625,000. Jeremy Denk is one of those fellows. Mr. Denk is a concert pianist on the faculty at the ...
"Sad songs say so much,” Elton John once sang. But what do they say, and why do they speak to us? In a recent study published in the journal “Frontiers of Psychology” researchers trie...
Today, psychiatrists have documented a new type of delusion: The belief that the patient is the star of his own reality show. Doctors call it "The Truman Show Delusion" after the Jim ...