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Pennsylvania elections as a barometer of the national mood; Arizona governor signs law banning particular ethnic studies classes; job prospects for those whose skills are increasingly... (episode)
Help start the next day's conversation by signing up for daily texts that you respond to. Just fill in the form below or text the word START to 69866. Mobile Phone Number Email Ad... (article)
Anna Sale here on the day shift. We are following the breaking news out of the Northeast about the F.B.I. raids in connection to the investigation of the attempted Times Square bombi... (article)
"I may be a simple, ignorant teenager, but is it not obvious that we DO need to study ethnic groups in schools? By banning studies of other cultures, we are only breeding intolera... (article)
Video released on Wednesday shows oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico, as attempts to stop the flow of oil continue to fail. It's been reported that the bad wiring, a leak and a dead ... (article)
Could it be that after months of record foreclosure filings that just maybe the pace is slowing? According to the online foreclosure tracking firm RealtyTrac, the number of foreclosu... (article)