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<p>The Soundcheck crew want to know what you think of the new VW record. But John Schaefer warns, don't think <em>too</em> much.</p> (article)
<p><strong>Stream</strong> this two-hour set from two of New York's top dance music producers.</p> (article)
New York rock band Vampire Weekend is topping the charts with a new album. Fans may celebrate their catchy hooks and global beats, but critics call them Ivy-league elitists ripping of... (episode)
<p><strong>Download </strong>Somi's rich and worldy track, "Prayer to the Saint of the Brokenhearted."</p> (article)
<p><strong>Download </strong>Locksley's bubbly track, "Darling, It's True."</p> (article)
<p><strong>Download </strong>James Blackshaw's hypnotic track, "Cross."</p> (article)