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< July 2019

Monday, July 22 2019

  • Weekly Music Roundup: Wilco, Resavoir, and BeyoncĂ© July 22, 2019

    Week of July 22: This week, sounds from West Africa, and Chicago, courtesy of&nbsp;Beyonc&eacute;, Wilco, and more, and&nbsp;music from Senegal by&nbsp;Shaheed &amp; Dixa, Featuring Marieme. (article)

  • The Big Sound of Bayonne's Experimental Electro-Pop July 22, 2019

    Bayonne, aka&nbsp;Roger Sellers, stacks and layers his voice, synths, acoustic instruments, and percussion through his live looping station&nbsp;for his big-sounding pop songs. He plays in-studio. (episode)