BROOKE GLADSTONE: This is On the Media. I'm Brooke Gladstone.
BOB GARFIELD: And I'm Bob Garfield with a couple of your letters. Last week, Brooke mused with Slate's Jack Shafer on when we boomers might lose our cultural dominance. Among many others, June, in Manhattan, wrote to let us know that the future is already here. "I'm one boomer who is facing tremendous age discrimination and can't get a job," she writes. "I've worked my entire life and now I'm apparently invisible." The cultural coup? Well, everybody gets old, so get ready.
BROOKE GLADSTONE: Jennifer Wavis from Tempe, Arizona, agrees that we're witnessing the end of an era. She wrote, "The rise to cultural dominance of a generation may be indicated as much by its members' seizure of media power as the previous generation's loosening grip on that same power. To wit, both Bob and Brooke mispronounced the name 'reggaeton' during your December 16th broadcast. Correct pronunciation is "reggaetone," not "reggaetahn." Hold on tight to your dreams of cultural hegemony, boomers, because, believe it or not, FSM has already touched you with his noodly appendage.
BOB GARFIELD: And for you bewildered boomers out there, the Wikipedia entry for "FSM" says it stands for "Flying Spaghetti Monster," the deity at the center of "Pastafarianism," a satirical parody of religion created in 2005 to protest the decision by the Kansas State Board of Education to require the teaching of intelligent design as an alternative to evolution. Keep your letters and obscure cultural references coming in to, and don't forget to tell us where you live and how to pronounce your name. [MUSIC UP AND UNDER]