No. 1. I fear the military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about.
No. 2. I fear bad logic and inappropriate methodology to respond to an unexpected crises.
No. 3. I fear the loss of basic information through current reliance on computers. I've never used a computer. The only electricity that I used is batteries for my radio and for a flashlight. That's the extent of my technology.
Okay No. 4. misinformation.
No. 5. I fear fear itself. I don't mean instantaneous panic in response to sudden danger like stepping on a rattlesnake or hitting your head on a hornets' nest, I mean constant chronic fear,.
No. 6. I fear climate change.
No.7. I fear inappropriate technology. Nukes are a good example.
No. 8. I fear the ongoing loss of habitat.
No. 9. I fear a civilization run amuck that values indulgence over everything. This pig out can't continue. I fear greed and ego is in control. I live out in the woods by myself in a trailer that's about falling apart. It was donated to me. I've done that, well, all my adult life really ever since I got out of university. I go a lot of days where I don't see anybody particularly. I've got a couple a dozen dogs and about a dozen cats so I've got enough animals here to keep me distracted.
And then lastly I fear the unexpected.
My name is Kent Bonner and these are ten things that scare me.