Alexandra Botti
Senior Producer, The Takeaway

Alexandra Botti is the senior producer for The Takeaway, where she runs daily production of the show. She is responsible for much of the program's coverage of the #MeToo movement, and the opioid crisis. (She also proudly considers herself the show's ballet producer). Her favorite pieces to work on in her time with the show include a story about a controversial bathroom in Washington Heights, a profile of the first woman to be a VP of production in Hollywood, and a conversation with a researcher who interviewed more than 100 rapists in New Delhi.
Before she came to WNYC, Alex worked for WAMU in Washington, D.C., where she spent three years as a producer for the national NPR news talk program The Diane Rehm Show. While there Alex spearheaded the creation of original Diane Rehm Show content for NPR One, hosting two-ways that looked at major news stories from surprising angles.
Alex holds a Master's degree in Language and Communication (Sociolinguistics) from Georgetown University, and she'll happily explain to you why she thinks we need more linguists in journalism. She also holds a B.A. from Smith College in English Language and Literature and French Studies. Alex is a dual citizen of the United States and France, and grew up primarily in the Boston area. A lifelong dancer, she's usually teaching or taking ballet class when she's not producing radio.
To pitch Alex a story, you can reach her via e-mail.